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Vision & Mission
Age of Forty years is the prime of life of an individual. It can also mark the coming of age for a Corporate. I feel that it is a fact, at least in the case of NCL.
Nagarjuna Cement
Nagarjuna Cement
Dear Shareholders
We decided to celebrate our 40th Annual Report as a significant milestone, though it is not one of the more conventional jubilees like Silver or Golden. This is as a good a time as any to recall and rejoice our successes – and reflect, introspect, and learn from our failures.
Elsewhere in this commemorative publication you will find statistics and graphic representation of our progress so far. I would therefore not delve on them. I shall instead share with you some regrets and challenges confronting us.
COVID19 was a challenge unlike any we faced in the past. We were determined to tackle it, and our employees responded magnificently to our call. Despite the pandemic, we could organise our production, transport and supplies and help some major government projects stay on track. This wouldn’t have been possible without their unstinted support. Safeguarding the health and welfare of our employees was top priority for us. Yet, we lost a few of our valued colleagues or their family members to the pandemic. Even one loss like that is one too many. We pay our homage to the departed souls. We will sorely miss them.

The large order we bagged from the Government of Andhra Pradesh for the mass housing scheme is an opportunity, a challenge and also a testament to our capabilities. Keeping the houses affordable while ensuring reasonable returns is going to be a significant challenge. These twin objectives will test our talents, management skills and ingenuity. While patting ourselves on the back for the achievements thus far, we need to apply ourselves more vigorously to maintain our position in our established activity. Our plans are now focussed on modernisation of the existing cement plant, improving operational efficiencies and energy conservation.
It is indeed a nice feeling to be a part of the elite group of companies with over a thousand crores of market capitalisation. With this comes the realisation that our actions and progress will affect the lives of a larger spectrum of people – employees, customers, investors and their families. This realization denotes greater responsibility. We re-dedicate ourselves to shoulder such responsibility.